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Tuesday 18 August 2020

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Maze: path of light 1.0 Apk + Mod (Unlocked) Android Offline

Maze: path of light 1.0 Apk + Mod (Unlocked) Android


Maze: path of light
Play classic square mazes or discover many more original ones: circular, triangular, hexagonal or even bunny ЁЯРЗ, guitar ЁЯО╕ or tree ЁЯМ▓ shaped mazes. Challenge yourself with seven different game modes including our unique intertwined labyrinths with teleportation portals ЁЯМА. Progress through the catalog and unlock over 100 combinations of maze sizes, types, shapes and game modes.
✨ Easy to play: Swipe to guide the light through the maze and find the exit
ЁЯзШ Relax with small mazes or try to solve more advanced ones
⚪ Master 4 types of mazes: square, triangular, hexagonal and circular
ЁЯМАStart with classic mazes and unlock six extra game modes: time limited, restricted moves, token collection ЁЯТО, token collection with restricted moves, intertwined mazes with teleportation portals, ЁЯМА intertwined mazes with restricted moves
ЁЯРЗ Try our funny shaped labyrinths
✨ Explore over 3 000 unique mazes
This game has been made with ❤️ by a small team of three independent developers. All your suggestions and feedback to help us improve the game are welcome.


Minor bug fix
Maze: path of light apk

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