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Friday 28 August 2020

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Art of War: Legions 3.3.3 Apk + Mod (Unlimited Money) for Android

Art of War: Legions 3.3.3 Apk + Mod (Unlimited Money) for Android


Art of War Mod
A funny game with huge amount of spectacular battles. You will be the commander who leads legions of tiny armies. Accept the challenges of various levels and don’t forget to get extra rewards from bounty tasks! It’s your army, you in charge.
*【Exciting Battles】The battle is more like a real dance of war. Hope you can become a glorious commander and have a lot of fun.
*【Extra Bounty Tasks】 Those cool bounty tasks will be unlocked once you reach level 14. You can get precious gems by finishing those tasks. But be aware that some of them are really tricky.
*【Regular Updates】 We are a young team, but we always strive to improve your game experience and make the game incredible time-killer.
Translation For Help
Please help us translate “Art of War” into your language like Espa├▒ol, Portugu├кs, Fran├зais, Deutsch, ╨а╤Г╤Б╤Б╨║╨╕╨╣, эХЬъ╡ньЦ┤, цЧецЬмшкЮ, ф╕нцЦЗ and other languages.
We are really happy to receive any feedback from you. You can contact us via this email:
Follow us: https://www.facebook.com/GameAoW/
Wish you a good time, Commander!


Various minor bug fixes and improvements.

Art of War Apk

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